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There are several ways in which you can donate to The New Evangelisation Trust and share in our mission to fund the worthiest of Ireland’s evangelisation causes. These ways can be broadly divided into two types:

Last will on cream color paper with glas

Donate Now

Donate Now

Donations Now: By cheque or bank transfer If you wish to donate to us via a cheque, please make payable to “The New Evangelisation Trust” and post to

The New Evangelisation Trust, 
c/o 4b Aran Centre, 
Blessington Business Park, 
Blessington, County Wicklow

W91 WT02

The New Evangelisation Trust is an Eligible Registered Charity in Ireland No CHY 18516

If you wish to make a transfer directly into our bank account, here are the details:


Account Name: The New Evangelisation Trust 
Bank: Bank of Ireland, Naas, Co Kildare 
IBAN: IE11 BOFI 9012 3923 9277 22 
Account No: 23927722 
Sort Code: 90-12-39 

If you require an acknowledgement for a donation made by bank transfer then please either email or post a note to us with details of your transfer or include your telephone number in the narrative line of the Bank Transfer form.

By Bank Standing Order


Donation by a Bank Standing Order is very helpful to us: it does not only guarantee a regular income but it also allows us to plan and manage better our work. This method requires you to fill out a Standing Order Form which you can print-out here, sign and post to us. We will then post it to your bank who will pay us your chosen amount monthly from your account. This is not a direct debit and you can adjust or cancel it easily with your bank. 

Donations Now: By Gift in Kind 

Perhaps you have an item of value that you would like to donate to The New Evangelisation Trust, e.g. house, land, car, jewellery or other valuables. If so we would be delighted to discuss this with you. In the initial instance please contact us by email or by post to

Mr Gareth Carroll,

The New Evangelisation Trust,  
c/o 4b Aran Centre, 
Blessington Business Park, 
Blessington, County Wicklow, W91 WT02

Donations Now: Paypal/ Credit Card

This is a quick and convenient method for you to make donations however your donation will be subject to a charge by the credit card company. This means that a portion of it (typically 3 to 5%) will not reach us. If however this is the method of donation that best suits your circumstances we would nonetheless be most grateful to receive it. 

The New Evangelisation Trust is an Eligible Registered Charity in Ireland No CHY 18516

Tax Relief

TNET is an eligible charity, therefore a donation of at least €250 per annum (€21 per month) may qualify for tax relief.

If you have donated €250 or more over the course of the year, please download and complete the form Enduring Certificate (formerly CHY3) here.

If you have made a once-off donation of €250 or more, please download the form Annual
Certificate (formerly CHY4) here

British checkbook on wooden desktop (acc
Old building with letters bank on it.jpg
Credit Card
Men with Calculator
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